Young Servant Girl. Greatness In Captivity

Hi there, It’s great to see you again.
In week one of our introduction to this blog, we spoke about the story of an unnamed servant girl who was a key player in the lives of 2 great men.  One is Naaman “the great and noble commander” and the other, “Elisha the prophet of God”.

The story is found in 2 Kings, Chapter 5.
We want to acknowledge a wonderful attribute of this young girl.  We see that even in her captivity, she continued to see greatness in others.
This girl was taken by force from her home and her country by enemy soldiers.  All that she ever knew was destroyed.  She then was taken to the market place in Damascus and sold as common goods.  The total panorama of her life changed overnight.  Yesterday she was a young girl enjoying her family, friends, home and freedom.  Today, she is being sold to the highest bidder.  Naaman bought her for his household to be a servant to his wife.
Here we see true greatness in a young woman.  She did not allow the hardship or the injustice to influence how she saw life and others.  As she served Naaman’s wife, her heart would be touched with compassion towards Naaman.  He was battling the incurable sickness of leprosy.  This young girl showed her true character in her attitude as she acknowledged the greatness and goodness in Naaman.  She directed him towards Elisha, the prophet of God.
Attitude is described by some as the external showing of our internal condition.
It would have been easy to understand if she was angry and bitter.
It is obvious by her willingness to help Naaman, that she remained tender toward God and man, despite all of the injustice.
Charles Swindon made this powerful statement:
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.  It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance or skill.  It will make or break a company, a church, or a home.  The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.
What a powerful and compelling statement.

We are not told that this young girls action bought the reward of freedom.  She didn’t do it for reward.  It was simply who she was, her attitude of compassion reaching out to someone she had learned to respect, “even in her captivity”.
Injustice is common today.  It’s how we respond to injustice that will determine peace in our heart and favor on our life.  God responds to heart attitude “in our circumstances” rather than “the circumstances themselves”.
Injustice is not always committed by others either”.  It can be our own condemnation of the greatness that God has given us as individuals .  We can imprison all this ability by continually telling ourselves “that we have no value or purpose”.
This is injustice being served against all that we have been created to be and do.
The correct thinking “that we have been made in the image of our powerful Creator, nothing missing”,  will bring release to the greatness that was once locked up in the prison of our soul.

This precious young captive girl teaches us how she handled loss and captivity with grace, dignity and power.
God bless you,
Excited to see you next week!

Audio version:

2 thoughts on “Young Servant Girl. Greatness In Captivity

  1. When I read the chapter I noticed she was from the land of Israel. Even though she was away from home in an uncharted territory for her, she kept her focus on bringing God’s ways to her master and it sure benefited him!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This young servant girl had a heart towards God and of God; Compassionate, Loving, and forgiving… We all should be follow her example and spread His love!!


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